Kamis, 17 Juli 2008

Planting tomatoes in buckets

Why should you look into growing tomatoes in buckets? Well, there are many reasons. First, not everyone has enough yard space for a full-fledged garden. Second, perhaps you have tried growing tomatoes in your soil and just cannot produce adequate results. Either way growing tomatoes in buckets can give you the tomatoes you want, without too much of the hassle.

Growing tomatoes in buckets is really very easy, once you get the hang of it. The first thing you need to start with is a few buckets, five gallons is a great size for this project. You can typically pick these up at any nursery. While you are at the nursery, you might also want to pick up the rest of your supplies to.

You will want some topsoil, potting soil, river gravel or mulch, and fertilizer. You will want enough of these to benefit the number of plants and buckets that you have. It will never hurt to buy "too much" because it can always be used later or the next season when you want to plant again.

Make sure you drill some holes into your buckets - on the bottom. You want to make sure that the water has somewhere to go and does not harm the plants. Twelve ¼ inch holes should do it. The river gravel or mulch that you purchased will help in draining the water as well, so put roughly 3 inches in each bucket.

Now, you will want to mix your topsoil, potting soil, and fertilizer together. You can do this by any method that you find easiest for you. After mixing, fill your bucket with the mixture. You do not have to fill it all the way to the top, but near the top is pretty good. Now you can plant your tomatoes. When growing tomatoes in buckets, you can use seeds or starter plants.

Make sure that provide a stake or a cage to keep your plant growing up. Now, you need to decide where you want to place your new plants. The great thing about growing tomatoes in buckets is that you can place them anywhere. Whereas in a garden you only had a few spots to choose, you can place the buckets in spots where they will get adequate sunlight each day. Be sure to give them a healthy drink of water every day, watch for pests and disease, and when growing tomatoes in buckets, you can move them around as necessary.

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