Jumat, 15 Agustus 2008

Sowing seeds in a Garden

As you start a garden, you must first till the soil, fertilize it, and then plant your flowers, trees, bushes, vegetable plants, etc. There are different ways you can do this, either by planting seedlings, transplanting entire plants, or sowing seeds. If you want to save some money, you can sow seeds. This way, all you have to buy is seeds which will probably only cost you a couple dollars for a large pack.

One way to sow the seeds is by sowing them in trays and growing them first, and then transplanting them into the garden. First, get some planter trays. Fill them with soil, pat it down, and moisten the dirt. Sprinkle the seeds over-top, spacing them according to the directions. Cover them again with a small layer of dirt and pat it down. Soon they will start to grow, and when it’s time to plant, with no dangers of frost, transplant them in your garden. This is a great way because they have a higher chance of surviving and it’s still as cheep as buying seeds with just an added expense of trays.

If you still don’t want to buy trays, or are confident in your gardening skills and soil, you can sow the seeds directly in your garden. First, make sure all of your soil and garden is completely tilled, fertilized and prepared. Read the directions on the back of your seed packets to know what time of year to sow the seeds. They may not be all the same. Some might need to be planted earlier than others.

Make sure you wait until there is no possible danger of frost. For example, if you live in the northeast, it would not be a good idea to sow seeds in mid march. There are still possibilities of frost and cold nights. Wait until the ground is warm and the time is right. When it gets that time, first plan out your garden. If you are planting vegetables, make sure you have rows correctly labeled even before you start planting.

Once you’ve spaced everything out and all your soil is correctly fertilized, begin making shallow holes for your seeds. If you aren’t sure that you soil has all the right nutrients, do a soil test first to make sure you don’t have too much or too little of any nutrient. It can be the difference between dead and alive plants. Continue by placing one or two seeds in each hole, depending on the directions. Cover of the seeds and lightly water the soil.

Soon, you should start see small plants. If you have more than one plant growing in each spot, weed the weaker ones. If are growing flowers and want a full garden, you don’t need to worry about this as much. Continue weeding, watering, and tending to your garden to ensure the most beautiful and robust garden possible!

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