Rabu, 13 Agustus 2008

Growing Plants Indoors Using Hydroponics

The gardening method of growing of plants without the use of soil is hydroponics. This process is commonly used to develop fertile, healthy indoor plants as well as good quality vegetables, fruits and herbs. The plants in hydroponics grow systems absorb the needed nutrients as ions in water or in the case of aeroponics through the air. If a plant is getting the adequate amount of nutrients, then soil is no longer needed for it to thrive. This is the whole theory behind hydroponic kits.

A complete controlled agriculture system, much like hydroponic grow systems, should use controlled grow lights, the correct temperature, water, CO2, oxygen, pH and nutrients. Using the proper nutrients and the right artificial LED grow lights, any indoor gardener can achieve stunning plants and tasty vegetables. If you are planning on setting up a hydroponics or aeroponics garden, consider a few simple guidelines on how to be successful. Here are a few tips: No soil is used but fertilization is still required - Just because aeroponics and hydroponics kits don’t require the use of soil, plants still need supplements. This is what they get from the water or their food. It is what sustains the plants. Make sure your nutrient solution maintains a pH level of 5 to 6 after dilution and that the plants are watered more than three times a day by using a pump and a timer.

Steady temperatures required – The majority of hydroponics gardens are grown indoors so try to keep the best suitable temperature between 71 to 76 degrees Fahrenheit. These temperatures change depending on the different types of plant you are working on and the type of grow lights you are using. Let there be light – You want to keep your plants somewhere they can receive ample amount of light. LED grow lights work the best. If your hydroponics garden is located where there is not enough light, your plants won’t grow. Invest in a good set of grow lights or LED grow lights. These grow lights emit artificial illumination which is perfect for the growing conditions of your plants. Humidity is a must - In hydroponics gardening, all you need is a little bit of air. As the temperature rises, air holds the adequate amount of moisture plants need. Another benefit is that since hydroponics is water-based, you really don’t need to attend to the plants all that often since the water is reused.

Starting a hydroponic garden doesn’t require that much time and commitment. It needs a little bit of time, water and the right grow lights to make sure your plants are in condition.

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