Insulated worm composting bin has proven itself to be a very effective way of composting. What happens is the worms simply transform your organic waste into rich compost that is ready to be used with your garden plants and makes your food more nutritious and tasteful. It was known throughout the history that dark and earthy soil brings good results in terms of healthy harvests and profitable gardening. But unfortunately, not many gardeners have this privilege. Here is where insulated worm composting bin comes into action. Vermicomposting material created in a red worm compost bin provides quality and fertility with positively stimulating the roots of garden plants.
Composting bins are very economical and not hard to get. When you obtain a bin that suits your needs, all you need to do is to simply add red worms in the bin and they will also receive help from other organisms such as fungi, insects, bacteria, etc., which will accelerate your composting process. Remember - the more, the merrier! You can provide a natural source of needed carbon to the worms by putting small pieces of leaves in the bin - just be careful not to use magnolia trees or oak trees because their acids can damage the worms and hurt your composting process. At the end, you will be left with a light and moisty soil ready to be put into your garden.
Another important thing to consider is how deep beneath the soil compost mixture the worms should be and where will you put the organic material for them. To be more precise, add 1 pound (thousand worms) approximately 7 inches beneath the soil compost mixture and place the organic material on the top. All you need to do now is to close the insulated worm composting bin and let worms do their job.
If you are left with excess worms or possibly even compost you can easily sell them and invest your profits in a new container to restart the process without additional expenses.
I found a way that brings me record harvests and the taste is so good that even my kids started eating vegetables!
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